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Hi, I'm Ms. Baudoux! Thank you for taking the time to learn a little bit about our Grade 2 classroom.

The goal of our classroom is to create a learning environment that promotes safety, comfort, play, cooperation, choice, independence, and academic success for all students. We focus on incorporating play through engaging content lessons, cooperative group and partner work.



Our Classroom Environment


The main objective of our classroom is to create a less traditionally structured and more student-centered active learning space. The idea is to have a variety of seating and learning areas including rugs, tables, experiential subject centers, and private corners for different kinds of learning opportunities.


In this environment, I am able to move around the classroom more, work with students one-to-one or in smaller group settings, participate in classroom activities (a.k.a. play with students), and assess more accurately what students have and have not mastered.

In The


Play as Curriculum

Council of Ministers of Education, Canada- Statement on Play-Based Learning

Video - Play-based Learning with Dr. Peter Gray

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